Have you recently been stuck in a traffic jam with your stress levels rising, swerved around a pothole or had a near
By making road safety a national priority every day we would reduce the cost of road crashes on the community and ensure our national highways are safer for everyone. Infrastructure and safety need a long term vision, they should not be tied to election cycles and electioneering.
This election year we need your help to make our politicians understand what matters to road users, so sign the petition to Demand Better Roads.
Three good reasons why you should sign the petition:
Safer roads save lives. Although safer vehicles and driver behaviour are important factors in reducing fatal crashes, up to 47 per cent of lives lost could be saved by improved roads.[1] Each year, road crashes in Australia are estimated to have a social cost of around $27 billion. The impact of losing a loved one in a preventable death is immeasurable.
Congestion is damaging our health and business bottom line. From speaking to almost 1000 businesses in our annual NRMA BusinessWise Congestion Survey, more than half reported that traffic congestion was a factor in employee stress. And it is not simply a matter of employees feeling the strain of the drive to and from home – around 10 per cent of small business owners believe the trauma involved in having to navigate NSW’s inadequate roads has led to staff taking sickies.
Getting what you’ve paid for. In financial year 2013-14, the Australian Government expects to raise $15 billion from the fuel excise, with only a third of that amount going back into road funding.[2] This means for every 38 cents per litre you pay in fuel excise, only 13 cents per litre goes back into the roads you use. This is not good enough.
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